Flexible LIFELONG learning in the liberal arts
Personalized, interdisciplinary remote sessions with friendly scholars from top universities
Personalized, interdisciplinary remote sessions with friendly scholars from top universities
What are the humanities? Simply put-- the study of the human, so gloriously complicated and rich.
While at college, many successful people were forced by circumstances beyond their control to skip deeply enriching, life-changing humanities courses. But it’s never too late: we want to share our expertise in non-STEM fields so employees can enjoy better relationships in and out of the office, converse more comfortably with people from around the world on a variety of topics, and enjoy learning for the sake of learning.
Private companies large or small, in Fintech, banking, or any fields that require STEM degrees, can benefit immensely from well-rounded, more broadly educated employees. Those leading enterprises from the C-suite, those in middle management, or those early career professionals still navigating their career path - all gain from increased learning in and appreciation of the diverse subjects that constitute the humanities.
Ouvert aujourd'hui | 09:00 – 17:00 |
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