We believe in meeting each student wherever they want. Below are some courses taught by your personal professor and each can be revised to suit your needs. It can be one conversation, a series or even another topic of your choice. These are courses offered by whichever Personal Professor you choose..
Employees choose a book (or are helped to choose one by a Personal Professor of choice). Then they discuss this book in a Socratic seminar format, focusing on intriguing questions and interesting characters. The book club could be one session long, or extend for several sessions.
Dr. Sukhonos can lead a yoga and journaling workshop to help locate stress in the body and find ways to release it.
Dr. Sukhonos can lead a one-session or multi-session poetry workshop for the participants. This will involve gentle critique, in-class writing, revision, and sharing.
How do diverse employees, with immensely varied backgrounds – racial, ethnic, class, gender and otherwise – reconcile their personal and family histories with their status in society today?
How did events from decades, or centuries ago, shape the world we live in today? What is historical causation, contingency, context and complexity?
Dr. Corbally makes a living discussing about our shared human past in his World History courses. For more details: corbally.personal.professors@gmail.com
American consumers spend around eight hours of their day with digital media, roughly the double the time invested in traditional formats (which would be television and film). In such a world how can we find balance and pleasure?
Dr. Tiwari leads seminars and workshops designed to increase media literacy, agency and mental wellness. Reach out to find out more!
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